Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sugar Fix & Happy Valentine

Yesterday was the monthly breakfast up at the clubhouse which we always help with. I think the count was over 70 and we had them all served and pretty much done within a half hour. Not bad. We start shortly after 7am getting tables and chairs set up, the skillet's and electric fry pans hot and lots and lots of eggs scrambled. Jim Olsen is in charge of the pancakes and sausages , Dick Goodman has the scrambled eggs and the rest of us took care of coffee, juices and serving.

After breakfast we had to run over to the other trailer as our renters where leaving that day. That afternoon we didn't do too much but that night we had made plans with Doug and Jutta Franks to go to Ruby's for dinner. This place isn't fancy, tables are big picnic tables and 10ft long tables but the pulled pork is really really good.

Today was a perfect weather day, sunny and very warm. We went over to the other trailer again first thing, Larry needed to fix a water leak behind the toilet and I wanted to do some cleaning. The people left it in pretty good shape but I always like to go in and do my own before new renters. Which they will be here this week. It took a little longer than Larry thought and after a trip to Camping World for a part we both finished up by noon.

This afternoon we were invited over to Lon and Pat Garvey's place to celebrate Lon's birthday. Pat & Lon are almost neighbors of our in Michigan. They live in Bellevue MI that's about a hour from us. We had some good cake and ice cream and had a deep discussion on a bug that was crawling across their patio. You wouldn't think a little bug could entertain 20 adults but what can I say.

Tonight we went out for chicken with Jack & Danielle Mayer than we "had" to go check out the new DQ that just opened. I think everyone and their brother had the same idea as the place was packed. After 45 minutes of waiting we finally went up to find out what's going on only to find that they lost our order. Oh well, it came out soon after that and it's not like we are ever in a big hurry.

So we both got our sugar fix today. We feel miserable from all the sweets and food the last two days so I think we'd better get out on the bikes tomorrow.

I checked the Stats tonight and want to welcome a new reader from Bedford Nova Scotia. Also one from Gilbert AZ. Thanks for visiting and hope you come back often.

Want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine, especially to my kids and grandkids.
Till next time.......................................

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