Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cabin Fever - Other Countries

I've been sitting here trying to think of something to write about. As another major snow storm blankets the East I guess you don't want to hear about my toes being cold because it's only 52 degrees out. Course the two electric heaters are keeping it warmer inside.

So what can I write about. I could tell you what it's like being stuck inside a 40ft 5th wheel for days. You think the northerners get cabin fever, there's a new meaning to that word when you live in 400 square feet. About two days is a exceptional length of time before the little under the breath "remarks" start. By day three the remarks start slipping out a little louder. By day four it's the silence and luckily we have never reached day five.

I was looking at the Statcounter for our blog. One of the things you can look at is the location Stat which tells me what city and state that someone logged in from. It's so interesting to see a new location especially when it's from another country. So far we have viewers from 18 States, British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Germany, Africa and Romania. I know one of the Germany hits were from our friends that were there over Christmas but not sure of the other one. When I get a new hit from another country I do a search to see what the town is like. Here's a couple of photos.

Here's a picture of the Palace Hotel in Manchester United Kingdom

Here's a picture of Zalau, Salaj, Romania

One Hundred Mile House British Columbia

So that's about all for tonight. Till next time...............................

1 comment:

Jutta said...

I do know what cabin fever feels like, since we are only two lots down from you, but I never thought much about the places where people that stop by the blog come from. Thank you for putting something in perspective for me. :-)