Monday, February 22, 2010

A day of Shopping & new tires for the trailer

This morning I went to Mercedes (1/2 hr away) with Pat Olson, Pat Garvey, Ann Olson and Marilynn Orthober to the Outlet Mall. It was a perfect day weather wise to go to a outside mall. They said there's 140 stores, not sure if that's right but there were more open than last year. I'm not sure you get any great deals but we were there just to enjoy looking. Here's a couple of pictures.

While I was gone Larry decided it would be a good time to put the new tires on the trailer. We purchase six Michelin XPS Ribs and yes I had to ask him what we got. He knows I hate watching him do things like taking six tires off at the same time and having my home being supported with only the Big Foot Levelers. He found a place close by that would put the tires on the rims so it took most of the day to finish. Sorry no pictures. At least now I will feel safer when we pull out of here. We've had several residents here that have had blow outs and it can really cause a lot of damage to the trailer.

Danielle and Jack invited everyone over to their lot tonight for a welcome back happy hour for Jim Brumfield. He has his own business and this is the first time he's been able to get down here on his lot. Tomorrow I will get over to Jim's and take a picture of his dog Trash so I can introduce you to him.

That's it for today. A couple new readers today, Grand Prairie TX, Huntersville, NC and San Juan TX. I heard from our Troy MI readers, the Taylor's. We met Mark, Mary and their daughter Melissa last summer in Frankenmuth MI while attending an RV Net Rally. Had a good time and hope we see them again next summer. It's neat finding out who are readers are.

So tonight's almost daily reader is from Mission TX. Actually there are several hits showing Mission so I'm assuming these are our friends here in the park.

Till next time.....................................

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