Friday, February 12, 2010

The Big Move

The rain finally quit during the night and this morning even tho it was only in the 40's the sun was out. We're suppose to have a few days of sun before another front hits us.

Jack Mayer got back yesterday afternoon with their new 43ft New Horizon. It sure is pretty and once they get settled I'll take some pictures of the inside. But today was moving day. Jack pulled the new trailer down at the end of the street and Larry backed their old trailer next too it. Take a look at the pictures below.

Once the trailer doors were lined up Jack had some boards that he laid across so we wouldn't have to go up and down the steps. Sure makes things easier. Danielle and Jack worked on their bedroom items and I started in the kitchen. Danielle was sure it would take two days but I told her we would be done today. Got started about 10am and finished just before 5pm. While Jack/Danielle put the new trailer on their lot. we took the old one and parked it on a friends lot. It was a long full day and Danielle has some things to put away but the majority of it is done. But like I told her she'll move things around a dozen times before she finds the right place.

Friends Kathy and Phil Dieweiler are still with us. They have had some challenges with the lights and levelers on the trailer so won't be leaving for PA until mid week. Actually it was a good thing, if they would have left here when they planned they would of been right in the middle of the latest snow storm. Speaking of snow, did you see where Dallas got over 10 inches of snow yesterday. All I could think of was going over some of those three & four tier highways. I'm scared to death when we go over them in clear weather.

Time to quit. I'm sure I'll sleep good tonight but right now want to watch the Opening of the Olympics. Or at least some of it. Till next time............................................

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