How about a race with shopping carts on ice in your bare feet. Lots of laughs watching them slip and slide down to the other end. Guess that's why they had the young ones doing this race and not one of us old folks. Frozen toes and broken bones, not good at our age, we don't thaw or heal as fast as we use too.
Here's an advertisement from the Eye Institute. The person on the controls sure was good, he had it going all around the arena and down this tight alley during the game.
Can you guess what this picture is of??? Something we in the south take for granted this time of year and you in the north dream about. It's called a BIG BLUE SKY. Had to take a picture of it, feels like I haven't seen it for so long.
Here's a picture of just how nice the blue sky looked and having the sun out. Like Larry said - the sun comes out and people come out of their homes like ants coming out of an ant hill. You would think it's been weeks of cloudy weather rather than days. Guess that's it, till next time..............
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