Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Warmer days, bike ride in the park

Our warm weather has returned which means people are out and about again. Five days without sun and cold temperature sure keeps people inside. The mornings have really been foggy the last few days.
Here's looking out our window down the street.

Larry finished the repair job on the slide. He said he has to do some adjustment as the slide isn't coming in exactly right but the padding and carpet is back and he put the black plastic up underneath the outside so this is good. FYI - I did help today even tho there were a few times the tension was a little high. I'm thinking and I'm pretty sure Larry will agree that in doing these types of jobs it's better to go back to our old way of a neighbor coming over to help and I go shopping.

Once he finished he went over to help Grant work on his project which is about the same as we had. Only Grants problem was in the wall instead of the floor. Hopefully they will be able to finish it in the next couple of days.

The Bentsen State Park officially re-opened last weekend so we took our first bike ride through the park with Gary and Marilynn. The main road was clear but the Boat & Kayaking Ramp still is closed.
These guys seem to like having their picture taken.
But this guy wasn't interested.
There's still a lot of work to be done inside the Park. The walking trails are all still closed and there's lots of brush/limbs along the bike path. While riding there was kind of a nasty smell, probably from everything being in standing water for so long.

Larry got his Drivers License Extension last Saturday so he's good until the end of June. Luckily when we go up and get his this spring I'll be able to get mine at the same time. Than we're good for 5 years.

We also got our Passport Cards today. We ordered the cards instead of the passports, much easier to keep in our wallets. There's a electronic strip type thing on them so we have to keep them inside this cover they sent. I guess these strips can be scanned while a person is standing by you unless their inside this cover. So hopefully soon we'll be able to make a trip to Mexico.

Guess that's it for tonight. Getting reports from Michigan family that they had freezing rain last night and below zero temp's coming at them. Brother Bob was kind enough to mention sending me a picture of a snow blower, ah no thanks some things you never forget. Till next time....

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