Sunday, January 30, 2011

Village day - Future forecast

What a beautiful day. Sunny and the high of 89 degrees. Perfect day for our Walk Through the Village day here at Retama - more on that later.

So earlier today I thought I'd check the weather for the rest of the week. The weather site had a "Public Information Statement", figure it was another high fire danger. Not!!

My first hint that this was not going to be good was

... Freezing temperatures expected later this week...

What the h@@@ is this. As I read more and more of this statement I was really not liking it.
Words like

rapidly plunge - frigid cold temperatures

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Partly Cloudy
81° F | 61° F
Chance of Rain
77° F | 36° F
Partly Cloudy
49° F | 29° F
Partly Cloudy
43° F | 29° F
Partly Cloudy
52° F | 34° F

Now is this the type of weather Larry and I drive 1800 miles to be in. I don't think so. We are not happy with this forecast and are only hoping that the powers above take pity on all these old people in the valley that can't take this cold and keep the front back up north where it should be. I only have one word for this - well actually I have lots of wordsbut can't be used here

So back to the Walk Through the Village. Each year the developer opens the village up to the public to tour the facilities and the residents who would like too open their coach house, homes or casita's for people to see can join in. Of course you can't have this type of thing and not have free food which always brings the crowds. So here's a couple of pictures from today.

Here's a picture of Bonnie and Gails coach house

And here's Tom and Gayles Casita home

Did I mention that there were some special guests from a local establishment. Can you guess

where they are from.

So all in all it was a nice day even with looking at the weather forecast. Tonight we will enjoy sleeping with the windows open and pull out the heaters later on.

Till next time............................................

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