Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cabinets Purchased

The last couple of nights it's been pretty chilly and Saturday morning there was frost on the roofs. Really don't want to see that. The day turned out beautiful with sunny skies and temperature got up to 60 degrees. We went for our walk and we were going to treat ourselves to a Quality Dairy choc covered roll but when we got there there wasn't any. Bummer and we were so looking forward to one after our walk.

The week was busy spending money. I'd forgotten how many little things you have to buy, broom/dust pan, trash containers etc, we keep thinking of all these things we just gave away and now have to buy again. Of course we talk about different things that need to be done and it seems like the projects all seem to bring up some type of tool that may be needed. I guess I can't complain these tools are a whole lot cheaper than having to hire all my ""I'd Like this" jobs done.

I mentioned in a prior blog about taking a design into Menards for a kitchen lay out. We got a email from them and went back in on Thursday so see the cupboards and do some changes on the design. Two hours later we had the cabinets picked out and a new design done. We didn't plan on ordering them this year but they were having a great sale and would save close to $800 so we went ahead. Will have them delivered and put in the living room till we are ready for them next summer.

Last night our grand daughter Anissa spent the night. Over nighter's at gr-ma/pa's place are few and far between with our 16yr old. Of course it makes a difference when the 16yr old has been grounded, gr-ma's house is really looking good. But like any grandparent we'll take when and what we can. It's hard to find spare time in a teenagers life for grandparents.

I've been reading on our friends blogs and Facebook about them heading south or arriving in Retama. We are both so ready to get down there and settled. The last few years we were one of the first ones to arrive and the way things are going we'll be one of the lasts. Hopefully we will be able to join them soon and enjoy the happy hours and warmer temperatures.

Today we went over to the house to work on the leaf pile. I'd notice that many of the homes had their leaves piled along the street. Once the leaves are 50% down the city comes around with a huge leaf collector and cleans them up. Fred our new neighbor (by the way we have great MI neighbors) told us they would be starting this week. So while Larry did the last lawn mowing I raked them on a tarp and pulled it out to the curb. Well after only two trips and hardly a dent in the leaf pile I realized we would have leaves from the street to the house. Not good. So Larry got the blower out with the bag attachment so we could mulch them down. While we were there our cousin Pam stopped over so we gave her the 10 cent tour. Pam and I use to have a five hour lunch to catch up each summer but the last couple years we haven't been able to. So we're glad she decided to go for a drive and see if she couldn't find our place. We met Larry and Stint there last so they could see the house. Stint mentioned that we're in the perfect location for her girls to stop by in between picking/dropping off their kids at activities. Both Amy and Tina live out in the country and sometimes there just isn't enough time between pick ups and drop offs. So for all our nieces and nephews you are always welcome to just drop in without calling ahead.

No pictures today. I figured you've had enough of the color tour and streets. That's about it for now. Till next time..............................

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