Thursday, April 15, 2010

Weather - Illegals - & Meet Dog

Even tho the day was mostly cloudy we only had a few sprinkles off and on. My sister Nadene was trying to convince me last night that we should just head for home now as it was beautiful weather in Michigan with sunny skies and warm temp's. Now her idea of "warm temp's" and mine are totally two different things. Yes I'm stuck inside the trailer when it's raining but as I pointed out to her I am still wearing shorts and have the door and windows open. The temperature she was talking about I would still be stuck inside and have the electric heater on and sweat pants. Oh and by the way ours will be staying in the high 70's and the forecast for Lansing on Saturday is a high of 47 degrees. Thank you very much but I'll stay put for another couple of weeks.

Update of the illegals. I missed the news but a neighbor said they collected over 20 illegals yesterday morning. This morning there was another group of 30 that were picked up not far from here. Wondering why all of a sudden we're seeing more traffic. (traffic of illegals not cars). I'm thinking because there are so few Winter Texans left here. Everyone pretty much has the Border Patrol on speed dial and know one has a problem with calling in a sighting. Larry thought maybe it was due to the weather, with the wind/rain the Choppers aren't out as much and the roads the Patrol travel aren't the greatest. Maybe a little of both reasons.

We had dinner with Othober's and Cypcar's tonight. Have you ever heard of Eggs in a Bag. It's really good and so easy. Egg's and all the fixings you might want put in a zip lock bag and put in boiling water for 13 minutes. Each person gets to have their omelet with just what they want in it. Oh - one warning tho - DO NOT use cheap zip lock bags. They have a tendency to explode in the water. I won't mention any names but one person got "frugal" (like that word instead of cheap) last year and bought the Dollar Store Bag. It really wasn't a pretty sight. And no it wasn't me but this person does have the same first name as I do.

Last night we went over to Church's Chicken with Jack/Danielle and Donna/Grant. Jack/Danielle will be leaving this weekend and this is one of Jack's favorite all time places to eat. That and Diary Queen which just happens to be not to far from the chicken place and the car always seems to have to go in that direction. Got a hot fudge sundae with caramel, mmmm so good.

Our daughter Renee' reminded me several weeks ago that I never put a picture on our blog of our dog. So here she is.
Her name is "Dog" and she has been with us since we built our first house in Lansing after we sold the farm. This would have been in 1995. Everyone always comments on what a well behaved dog we have and the best part is we don't have to do "poop" duty. It is fun to watch people come up to the door (it sits right beside the step) and they start talking to her. Dog has traveled with us through the years and even tho she is starting to look a little old we're hoping she is around for many more years. Actually I forgot her last year and she spent last summer in our shed here. Good thing animal control didn't find out. The ball is to keep "dog" entertained and our other 4 legged friends that visit during happy hour have been known to play with it. The rock beside dog was painted for us by our sister in law Stint (nickname for Gladys).

Guess that's it for tonight. Welcome - Dallas TX, and Appleton WI. Till next time.......

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