Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ride in the park, illegal visitors

What a perfect day. Blue skies, slight breeze and temperature in the mid 70's. Now could you ask for anything better for March. We went for a bike ride with Marilyn and Gary in the State Park. There was a lot of bike/foot traffic today but than it is Sunday. It's nice to see so many families with young kids walking and stopping to see the birds. We left our bikes and walked to the Hawk Tower. I forgot to take the camera but there still is water from last summers floods around the tower. I've never seen water standing there.

We had a heck of a storm go thru yesterday. It didn't last long but it was fast and furious and it really cleaned off all the dust from the yards and plants. Things looked so pretty and green today.

I guess we had some visitors in our park the other night (3am). Border Patrol caught eight illegals here and another 14 were spotted in the RV park next door but they didn't catch them all. We had our windows opened and never heard a thing. The last week or so we've had a lot of activity with the helicopters over head. We figured something was up with all the fly overs. There may have been more illegals in the area that we didn't hear about that night but since then the helicopters haven't been around. The local news doesn't report a whole lot of what's happening around here. Nothing like what's reported up north, but than the news reports really blow things up on what's happening on the border. We had a BP rep here last week and someone asked him from a scale of 1-10 how safe we are here in our park, he said 10. Can't beat that.

Remember we had to replace Larry's computer. Well this week we finally got fed up with our cell phones and went to Verizon. They overnight two new ones and so far they seem to be doing better. Than our convection/microwave oven bit the dust. Really not happy about this as a replacement one costs as much as my new stove for the house will. We've decided to hold off until we get back to MI and take it someplace there to have it checked out. Luckily we still have the small microwave from the truck so we can use that.

Guess that's it for today. Kind of slow last week but more things happening for the rest of the month. People are getting ready to leave shortly after the 1st of April.

Till next time...........................................

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