Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Electronic Gods strike again

OK I give up. I don't know what we've done to piss off the electronic Gods but I'm raising the white flag and asking for forgiveness. First Larry's computer, than our cell phones, than the convection oven and today I put clothes in the dryer out in the shed and that wouldn't work. All of this within a three week period. Pleaseeeee old Mighty Ones, we are good people and don't abuse our electronics (except for the one time- well never mind) so please remove the spell that has been placed upon us.

The other day Larry and I went to a new Tile Store that just opened near us. We know that tile is much cheaper down here than up north so we decided to just take a look. Prices started from 40cents a sf up to 2.99 sf. This is the same tile that you can get at the big box stores for a whole lot more. So it looks like we may be changing the flooring in the kitchen and maybe even the back splash.

I very rarely post on Face Book. I'm not one of those that has to read everything that's posted every day but I do get on. So yesterday I thought it would be nice to share with my family what our weather was like here to give them a uplifted feeling of the warmth and sunny days that will soon be coming their way. So what do I get for trying to brighten their day - comments such as - going to disown you- Grrrrrr's - Hisssss- Booooos- Snow balls being thrown at me. Now tell me - is that any way to treat a family member that only had their spirits in mind, that feels their pain of having to live in a northern State. What can I say, even tho they have treated me shamefully I still love them all and will forgive them.

Today we had the ladies luncheon. It was a Mexican theme and there was a lot of different types of dishes to try. This was our last official luncheon for the season but plans are in the making for those of us still here next month to go out for lunch someplace.

So that's about it for tonight. Welcome:
Royse TX, Lansdale, PA, Alice TX, Dunedin, FL, Melfort Canada, Noblesville, IN, Topeka, KS, and Shakopee, MN. Come back and see us.

Till next time.........................................

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Went through the same electronic dilemma this past week, Linda. I told Phil I was looking for a chicken to sacrifice to the electronic gods, he said good because there sure isn't any virgins around