Sunday, September 8, 2013

A pool party with dogs

One day last week we along with my sister & sister in law made a trip to Turkeyville to a flea market they were having. And of course you can’t go there without having the full turkey dinner and it was worth it.

They are talking a couple of days this week of high 80’s & 90’s then the bottom will fall out and highs will be in the 60’s. Not looking forward to those cooler temps.

Saturday morning we made a trip down to Renee’ & Brians in Ohio. The Dog Adoption that Renee’ is really involved in was having a fund raiser that afternoon. The local water park allows them the use of the park for a day so anyone with dogs can come. Here’s a newspaper article about it.

We were totally just how many people show up with their dogs, there had to have been over a hundred of them. Here are a couple of pictures.

Pepper wasn’t to thrilled with all the activity. We sat at a picnic table and just people/puppy watched.

pool part 1Pool Party

pool 1

This guy is all ready for a swim

Photo: I think this one should win the bathing suit contest!

One of the other reasons for going down there was we were bring one of Renee’s dogs back with us to spend the next couple of weeks. The kids are leaving this week for a vacation so we’ll be doggy sitting. Finn is a pretty Border Collie and is really a neat dog. Pepper isn’t too sure about having a house guest, she pretty much stay right next to us. But they get along ok so we shouldn’t have a problem.

That’s it for this week. Till next time…………

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