Sunday, July 1, 2012

Aug weather in June - Residing Garage

Not sure what's going on with our weather here. We have been in the mid/high 90's more in the month of June than we normally have in August. July is starting out the same way or at least the first 8 days. Wonder if this means we will have Sept weather in August? So far it hasn't been to bad in the house. Did I mention we do not have air conditioning. We open everything up at night and close it up during the day with the furnace fan running. It keeps it about 15 degrees cooler inside so can't complain.

Last Sunday we went over to the Moore side to help our sister in law Gail celebrate her retirement. Had a nice gathering and of course lots of rug rats running all around.

Here's a picture of Gail, congrats and enjoy your new retirement career.

Tuesday is a normal Darrius over night stay with us and spending the following day. Pepper just loves these days and stays pretty close to Darrius the whole time.

I haven't figured out why yet but for some reason we picked last week to re-side the back of our garage. Nephew Dave happened to have some siding that matched our blue color almost perfect so we loaded it up and brought it home. It took a couple of days as we were trying to do it early AM and late PM as much as possible but we finally finished. It looks so much better. The previous owner had a shed attached to the back and when they moved out they took the shed with them. Fine no problem except they cut a door way between the garage and shed and left that wide open. So last summer Larry just patched it to keep the snow out.

Brandi and Darrell moved this weekend to a nice big home. With three kids all needing their space this will work out great for them. Everyone has their own room, not to mention a family room and finished basement. It was a awfully hot day for moving but they got two homes into one in about six hours and ended the day in the hot tub to ease the sore muscles. Larry and I did our fair share of contributing to this move by taking Darrius off their hands Friday and Saturday. Darrius seems to think he's able to do everything that his dad and big brother can but it usually ends up more work for the mom and dad. He was so excited about the move and just couldn't wait to get there yesterday to try out the basket ball hoop.

Oh and Darrius wanted me to take a picture of his hair cut. Pretty cool design.
One night I meet Brandi at the hall where the wedding/ reception is going to be. We wanted to check out tables/chairs, see what's available there and how she might set things up. It's a nice place and with a few extra's it will look special for their occasion.

Guess that's it for this week. Till next time.......................

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