Thursday, July 14, 2011

House Up-date - seeing the end

It's been just seven weeks since we opened the back door of our new house and started our project. The time frame of completion was to take two summers but things have moved along a lot faster than anticipated.

Larry installed the new back door and two storm doors this week. When I wasn't helping him I worked on repainting the hall. Our grandson showed us fairly quickly that the first paint job was not going to cut it with finger prints. I had a choice of constantly getting after him to quit putting his hands on the wall or just getting some different paint and re-doing it. I chose the re-do.

The counter top was installed last weekend. It's always a little nerve racking watching them prep the area and hoping that 1x1 sample is what you in-vision. My problem was I'd lost the 1x1 sample and could not remember what I ordered. So when it was done I was so happy and relieved that everything looked great together.

Here's some pictures of the kitchen once completed

Here's the eating area
Bathroom - we didn't do much in here other than a new cabinet and paint. Next year we will tear into it

Other than some touch up painting here and there the only thing left is carpet. And that will be installed a week from Friday. I told my old boss I would come into his office that day to help out so I won't see the carpet until after 5pm but I'll get the "whole" effect at one time. Pictures to follow of the bedroom/hall/living room after carpet done.

Today Larry got the front door painted and I worked on painting the outside trim. Tomorrow he will paint the outside of the door. Right now he's helping our nephew re-install the eaves-trough from having a new roof over the kitchen put on last week. We went into Menards (where else) and I got some plants to put on the side/front of the house. So while he paints the door tomorrow I can plant a few things.

That's it for now. Time to call it a day, close the windows and head back to the farm for a much needed happy hour under the pear tree. Till next time..................................

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