Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July picnic - sun set picture

Hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July. Can you believe how fast this summer is going?

Have a few pictures to share. The other night we had such a beautiful sunset I had to grab the camera. The buildings you see in the back ground is my brothers farm which is a couple of miles from here (by road).

Here's a picture of where we are parked this summer showing the famous Happy Hour under the pear tree. This pear tree is part of the local conversation around here. These farmers really need to have more excitement in their life.

Monday we enjoyed a picnic with some of the family and friends here. Perfect weather day here to sit under the trees.

Soon family and friends started arriving.
and we all enjoyed a wonderful picnic under the maple tree
While the adults enjoyed the shade some of the kids enjoyed getting wet
Even Millie the dog loves playing in the water
Here's our great niece Lucy, oh to be able to read her mind
The family cat kept a safe distance from all the activity

Of course I can't close without a update on the house. We purchased and installed the over the range microwave this week. Larry got the burning bushes in the front of the house trimmed and even tho they look a little bare now it sure looks better than having them so over grown and rubbing against the house. This fall we'll cut them way back and see if they need to be removed next spring. Started painting the bedroom, a second coat today on the walls than need to do the trim. I will be sooooo glad when this painting is done. And the final step of picking and ordering the carpet is done. Will take a week or so for it to come in, can't wait. Hopefully our counter top guy will get that installed this week.

Our relationship with Menard's is starting to come to a end. The only thing left to get is a new back door and two storm doors. This is one place I won't regret not going to for a long time.

So that's it for now. Till next time..........................

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