Friday, June 18, 2010

Stormy night here in Michigan

When we first started out on this new adventure of living in a 5th Wheel Trailer one of my biggest fears were thunderstorms. Now I never was very crazy about them even when I had a house with huge basements to go down to, so the idea of sitting on six wheels during a sever storm-- well lets say I was not impressed. Over the years and especially since we moved into a much heavier trailer (bought the Teton two years ago) I've actually gotten use to it. That first year was pretty rough when a storm went through, I just new the wind was going to pick us up and roll us down the road. Now I've found that listening to the rain and thunder is sort of relaxing.

I hadn't realized how long it had been since the last blog until I went to post. Nothing exciting going on so not much to write about. I do have a few pictures to share.

Our nephew David decided they wanted to have a dock out in the lake so he and Larry have been working on building one from a old pontoon frame.
Here they are in the beginning stage. This pontoon is huge, they could have lots of parties on it.
It also came in handy when David needed to cut some carpet for one of his rental houses. Here's Larry, David, Rod (another nephew) and Josh (great nephew) laying the carpet out. We won't go into the color of the carpet.
The other day we were in Lowes and finally broke down and purchased a new faucet for the kitchen sink. We've only got the old one since last winter but it was just too short and could hardly rinse dishes. This one is great and it swivels to make things easier.

Thursday we had our grandson Darrius for the day. He just loves working with grandpa's tools so the two of them spent all morning working on the pontoon. Darrius was just in his glory

Darrius has to get it just right.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in the pool with his cousin Sydney. So I'm sure he slept good that night. I know gr-ma/pa sure did.

Guess that's it for now. Time to hit the hay. Till next time.....................

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