Thursday, June 10, 2010

Quiet week here in Michigan

Not a lot to talk about. Tuesday we got the yard mowed and that was pretty much the highlight of the day. Wanted to get it done as they were calling for rain again. As it turned out other than a few sprinkles that night it's been sunny all week.

Wednesday we ended up watching our great niece Sydney for awhile as her parents had a gap on who was going to be home to watch her between their jobs. Schools here in Grand Ledge were done on Tuesday and she wasn't going to start her summer daycare until Thursday. So she and I went to the store to get milk and of course she needed to show me everything (had to walk thru the toy dept) that she was going to ask her mom to buy her. I told Dawn (her mom) that we would look for a lunch bag as she will be taking her lunch everyday to the new daycare. So we finally found them and of course they were all on the top shelf. It wasn't long and we had all 12 lunch bags lined up along the floor and she had to check every one of them out and explain to me why this one would work and this one wouldn't. She finally picked one that she thought had everything she needed, gee-sh - her mother is going to have a fun time shopping with her when she's a teen.

Thursday morning we took the big truck to the gas station and dumped over $300 in fuel in it. Sure glad it was only about half empty. The price was down to $2.87 so decided to fill it than we'll be set until we get half way to Mission this fall. Had to run into the bank this morning than we went for our daily walk when I got home. Exciting ha!!

This morning (Friday) we went to the Dive Shop where Larry had taken his scuba gear last summer to put it on consignment and most of it had sold. Than over to Sam's Club to drop our normal $100. What really makes me mad is when I come home and find I had purchased the same item last time I was there. My kids use to love it when we had a house cause I was always doing this. Like two people will use up 36 cans of tomato sauce. Anyway we wanted to stop at the bank so we went to our favorite Mexican place for their wet burrito's. We've tried several places in Texas and Mexico but we still like this one the best. Of course it's a family run business and they always remember us and welcome us back to MI.

That's it from this end. Pretty uneventful the last few days but than that's ok too.
Welcome: Spring Grove PA, St Clair Shores MI, Lamoure ND, Northwood OH,
Till next time.................................

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