Saturday, April 20, 2013

Weather–Garage Sale-New Phones

The week has given us flooding from all the rain, a day of warmth with tornado watches and a covering of snow. Temperature’s ranging from in the 20’s to in the 70’s. I wasn’t happy to see this when I opened the drapes this morning.


We finally had to bite the bullet and get new phones this week. We’ve been putting it off for a couple of years as I just couldn’t get excited about Verizon’s super great Share Plan that was going to cost me more money a month with less coverage. But our old flip phones were really starting to bug us with not having messages show up for hours (or days) after being left and not ringing. So we ended up getting a couple of smart phones and I have to admit I’m enjoying the texting with the family.

Even with all the cold temperatures there are some diehard’s that had garage sales this weekend. And of course if they could stand being out in those cold garages the least I could do is support them and go to it. Which I did yesterday and I came home with a neat bird bath for $8.00 that will be perfect in one of the flower gardens, if I ever get them done. Not sure if I’ll paint it or what but will do some before/after pictures later on.

I’ve spent some time doing research on the family under the 1940 Census. (for those who would like to do this) has this census free for the time being. It’s interesting the information available under that Census. You can also go to this site that has lots of information and all of it is free. But just a warning, once you start (as Larry calls it) chasing dead people you can’t quit.

That’s about it for this week. I will share another picture I took of Pepper.  Rough day for the puppy

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Till next time……………………….

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG, a smart phone? Really? That is great! Now can you text for free?