So another week has passed. Sometimes I wonder if I should continue doing the blog. At times I feel like I'm just rambling on about everyday things that probably aren't of interest to most people. I know my family likes it while we're down south as it keeps a connection open between us and like another friend said on their blog it's mostly for ourselves to have a history of what we have been doing. Which is true, many times I've gone back to look up a blog on when we did or went someplace. So with that thought I guess I'll just keep on rambling.
A pretty uneventful week of doing some yard work, planting some flowers, taking walks and of course a stop at the local Corner Cone Ice shop. Have to be careful as this could be (the cone shop) a bad habit as we walk pass it almost daily. I enjoy the walks more on Thurs and Fridays, that's when the garage sales are on and I can usually find something at one of them.
One night Tina and Mitch (niece/nephew) stopped with their kids Lucie & Cooper. We had a nice time sitting outside watching Pepper play keep away with little Lucie. And Lucie trying to keep her shorts from falling down around her ankles when she's running. Picture the TV advertisement of the little girl and puppy advertising copper tone, that was our little Lucy.
Friday Larry had his eye check up from the laser surgery two weeks ago. It turned out that the Dr. didn't get all of one of the tears so he had to go thru it again. He was not a happy camper on that one. I told Larry we shouldn't be charged for a "do over" surgery but he didn't think the Dr. would go for that.
One of our friends Sue M. down in Retama posted a picture of the sun set one night there. It sure is pretty so thought I'd share that photo with you.

I'm not able to copy the whole invitation but here are the two pictures we used.
Hard to believe this little girl has grown
into this beautiful young woman so fast

Of course we had to attend Darrius basketball game. I really enjoy these games more than the soccer or baseball ones but it so nerve racking at times watching them try to make the baskets. Keep in mind these are 1st and 2nd graders but some of them are really good at getting the ball in. Darrius was extra excited because he big brother was there to watch him.
And to think there is only 10 years difference in age between brothers.
Oh and just in case your not sure Darrius is the shorty (at least for a few more years)
And to think there is only 10 years difference in age between brothers.

Today (Saturday) Larry and Stint (brother & SIL) came over and we walked down to the Memorial Day Parade. Even tho it was a short one it was nice and did bring back memories when the marching band (our daughter Renee' was in the band) went pass.
So that's it for another week. Till next time.................................
So that's it for another week. Till next time.................................