Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm so brave

As I mentioned in my last blog I did something for the first time ever. Larry needed to put a new rubber roof on one of the slides so bright and early Tuesday morning he climbed up the latter and started removing trim etc. Soon our sweet, wonderful, fantastic, neighbor Grant came over to help. They were able to remove the rubber roofing and get the new one on before Grant had to leave. This isn't the easiest thing to do and required lots of up and down the ladder, moving the slide in and out several times, applying the glue and making sure there wasn't any bubbles and it laid nice and flat. After Grant left we needed to put eternabond down. The only way I was going to be able to help was to climb alllll the way toooo the TOP of the ladder and crawl onto the roof of the trailer. Now this is coming from a person who just concord the top step of my 3-step ladder which only took me 30+ yrs to over come. There was know way Larry would ask me to do this but I also knew he needed help so slowly in little baby steps, knees shaking and a firm death grip, I worked my way to the top. Larry's so proud of me. Standing up on the roof - not a chance in he** but I did get quite fast at scooting my bottom across that slide. Finally we finished and now it was time to go back down that same ladder. OK what's my options, a) live permanently on top of the slide, b) call local fire dept to bring one of those basket things, c) 6-shots of tequila, d) suck it up move to the edge of the slide and climb on to the ladder. I'll admit C did sound pretty good but I kept telling myself I'm a big girl and I can do this. Did I not concur the 3 step stool. So I scooted over to the edge and luckily we have a railing on the top of the trailer that I could grab while I moved on to the ladder. So friends and family that was my "first" and just so everyone (including Larry) knows this is my LAST. By the time we finished it was after 4pm and we were both beat so after quick showers we went over to the local DQ for a hamburg and a much deserved Blizzard.

Today seemed like a mass exit in this area. Steady stream of RV'ers pulling down the road between our community and the RV park next door. I'm just glad we weren't one of them. I can imagine the road block of trailers on 281 where the news said this morning it was down to one lane (was 4). More residents will be leaving over the weekend so it's really going to feel quiet around here.

I got an email early this morning from my dear sister Nadene trying to put a guilt trip on us that we should be pulling out with the other "fools" (my words not her's) and head home. Probably about a hour later I received another email from her mentioning something to do with snow tonight. See I know what we're doing.

Guess that's it for tonight. We have a busy weekend which I will blog about next week and I also want to do a walk about and take some pictures of the flowers here and share them with you.

Need to say "so long" to our good friends Jack & Danielle Mayer. They will be pulling out tomorrow morning working their way to CO. where they work camp starting in May. We'll miss our evening walks with them. Oh and we'll especially miss their dog Poppy. See you guys next fall and safe travels.

Till next time...................................

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm proud of you too, Linda! I'm not a fan of heights either, so I know where you are coming from. Though I still think you should have went with the six shots of tequila!