Sunday, September 5, 2010

Darrius Pet & AT&T's Best Deal

We actually had a bit of a busy week or at least for us it was busy. Tuesday we met Lon & Pat Garvey for one more luncheon. As I mentioned they have a trailer down in our park and this summer we've tried to get together once a month for lunch. They will be leaving next weekend heading straight south to see friends/family before going on to Retama.

Wednesday I had a hair cut appointment one last time. My lady does a good job but I like Victoria down in Texas too and she's a whole lot cheaper than it is here.

Thursday morning we picked Darrius up, again our last all day time with him since school starts on Tuesday. After clearing it with his mom we decided we would get him a fish for part of his birthday present. I have to give gr-pa credit, he is NOT one for staying more than a 1/2 hour in a store and Darrius was having a awful time trying to decide on which fish. On the way to the store Darrius was explaining to me just what kind of fish he couldn't get - like ones that are poison - ones that wrap around you- no alligators or crocodiles - no sharks and ones that don't grow to big. He was very serious about these requirements and wanted to make sure I understood them.

So we are in the store going back and forth looking at all the different ones. He just kept saying "I just can't decide". I thought maybe it would help if we got away from the fish and started looking for the right "fish house". Ok, one thing down, fish house is in the cart. Back to fish hunting. We finally convinced him to choose a Betta Fish as they have a better chance of surviving - but we didn't tell Darrius that. Why would a store have so many choices on one kind of fish- do they not no the stress this can cause on a young person (not to mention gr-parents). I finally got all the fish in their temporary homes down from the top shelf so they were at eye level hoping this would speed things up. Let the drums roll - he made the decision . Quickly the fishy was put in the cart next to his soon to be new home. Of course we're not done yet, we talked with the fish lady and she helped us on what we needed, water (check), fish food (check), pebbles for bottom of fish tank (another choice of color but check), grass so he has something to swim around (check) and finally a fish net to remove him on cleaning day (check). What ever happened to a simple little gold fish in a tiny little bowl. Did I mention by now we have spent two hours in the fish dept.

When we got home Sydney was waiting for us and she came in to help get the fish house ready for the new tenant.
Now the next step was figuring out a name for this guy. It took a lot of thought and concentration and I'm not exactly sure how he came up with it but let me now introduce you to the newest member of our family - Drum roll please

Please welcome DRIPPY
with a very happy Darrius

The rest of the day was pretty much spent explaining to Darrius why he could not feed Drippy every 10 minutes. We got a email from our daughter the next day telling us that Drippy made it through his first night and she was so glad not to see him floating that morning. Told her I never thought about asking if there was a 24-48 hr death clause warranty. It's now been three days and Drippy seems to be settling in.

Today we went into AT&T to see about getting new phones. We've had these for several years and the last few weeks they've really dropped calls or it sounds like we are talking to people on the moon. Our contract with them has been up for 3-4 years so I thought we'd be able to maybe reactivate the contract and get some new phones for a decent price. Nope - that wasn't going to happen. This was what we were told that was their very best deal - for activating a new two year contract they were "only" going to charge us $18.00 per phone for the free upgrade fee and the phone was "only" going to cost us $80 each - but- they would "give" us a new carrying case and a car battery charger. Lets see if I understand this correctly - we would pay them $160 for two phones that all you could do was use as a phone- no internet - no texting - no pictures - but the letters were large. Plus they would charge us $36 for upgrading to these wonder new phones and lock us in to a 2 year contract with them. About this time the sales person started getting the idea that we were not happy with their "best deal" and mentioned that if we wanted to change the sim-card in our phones (free of charge) that it might help with the problems. we've been having. So we had the new cards put in and we shall see, if this doesn't work we may be looking at one of their competitors.

That's it for today. Till next time..............................

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