Monday, May 20, 2013

Basement work, yard work, muscles yelling–stop

I know, I’m really really behind on getting this out. But it’s been a busy week and weekend.

First our basement guys came the first of the week and started right in on saw cutting concrete and jack hammering. And the dust, OMG the sweeper and dust cloth have been pretty much glued to my side for a week. But after two days they finished everything up and were out of here. Now Larry wants to see about seven inches of rain again to make sure it works.

One of the things these guys did was bring in a load of dirt and built up on the side of the house and along the back. Since I had to dig up my plants so they could do this I wanted to get them right back in. OK, that done but then decided we needed to get mulch down before it rains. But if we were going to do that we might as well do the other side of the house,except that had to be built up with dirt first. And since we needed to remove dirt & stones away from the side of the garage we might as well use that. Hand digging isn’t high on our “like” list.  Do you see a pattern here.

Wednesday morning off to our local landscape supply place (3 miles from here) for 1.5 yards of red mulch. Thank goodness for the truck. Several hours later and some muscles used that haven’t been in a long time, it was done. (click on picture to enlarge)

     Before                                 After


Oh and as long as we were doing the side we had to do something with the front corner. So the next day we got a yard of dirt for there and more mulch.

     Before                                After


Since the second load of mulch turned out to be another two yards ( we just kept going and going and going.

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Oh I forgot to mention that we not only transplanted plants but flowers too. I’m enjoying all this, Larry – not so much (did I mention he does a lot of the moving/shoveling). But he has been a good sport.

We had Darrius’s last soccer game Saturday morning and it seems ever game we missed one they lost, so we “had” to make this one. Afterwards he came home with us to spend the night. Of course Pepper was in her glory to have her best friend here.

And best friends stick together no matter what Sometimes you just have to stick by your best-est friend no matter what.

Now this week looks to be another busy one. Our friends David/Linda will arrive here Wednesday afternoon to spend a few days with us. Can’t wait to see them.

This morning our construction guys showed up bright and early. First he scooped up all the stones between the house and garage with the skid loader and brought it to the front of the house. Then the jack hammer started breaking  up the cement porch.Good morning neighbors!!!!! We are having a 8x24 covered porch put on across the front of the house. Sooo excited and hoping they will be able to have it done so we can have a happy hour on it with David/Linda. But two things – 1) I’m bonding again with my sweeper and dust cloth & 2) I never thought about my lawn being torn up from the construction. I guess next week will be a fix and repair week.

We were watching all the storms on the weather channel last night. Friends have homes or are traveling in those area’s and luckily with Facebook we have heard they are safe. But this was always my biggest worry when we were on the road in the spring time. Always had a CB on but doesn’t do much good when they call for a warning and give the Counties when you have know idea what county your driving in. We may be in for some of this rough weather here later today hopefully not as bad. Stay safe out there and for those who are in trailers head for the sticks/bricks buildings – don’t be brave – be chicken and safe.

Hopefully next weekend I’ll be able to show you the new porch. It won’t be completely done as we are going to install the railings but need to figure out what I want first.

Till next time…………

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