Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another week -

Having a hard time remembering just what we've done this last week. Larry has been watching all the games, well maybe not all of them but enough. Someone asked me this week if I've been watching them and I answered I don't need to, I just listen to Larry and pretty much can guess what's going on. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Donna Zennecker and I are in charge of the ladies luncheon for November so we've been working on that - through emails- since they won't be here until next Tuesday. Last November the men of Retama fixed and served us lunch so we are carrying on the tradition to make this an annual event. David McCarron will be our chef this year and from the sounds of it we ladies are in for a wonderful meal. We've even given them a name M-COR (Male-Caterers of Retama)

We had the trailer washed and waxed on Tuesday. Of course that day it was windy and dusty but it still looks better. We also got the awning opened and secured to the cement blocks. So nice having the area covered from the dew and morning sun.

Had pizza night up at the clubhouse. David/Sue McCarron are in charge of taking the orders and getting them to the local pizza place. Actually we're able to order anything off the menu so that's nice. We got the pizza and we didn't really care for it so next month we'll try something else.

My interpretation of the top 5 changes in your life when a puppy moves in

5) You now have toys and slimy raw hide bones all over the living room
4) You are spending as much time at Pet Smart as you do at Walmart
3) Even tho it's a 4 legged animal it can make you have a guilt trip when you leave
2) When you leave the house you always make sure you have poop bags in your pocket
And the #1 change
That big sloppy kiss you get every morning isn't coming from your husband

But even with these five changes and I'm sure there will be more over time we have to admit Pepper has totally taken over not only our home but our hearts. We go over to the agility course every day and she totally loves that place. Here's a couple of pictures. She's got Larry totally trained to give her a treat every time she completes the course.

This is the course that we have to go to at least twice a day

For those of you that are residents either in or near our park you might want to know that I've arranged for the Health Dept to come to our park on Dec 2 (9am-1pm) to give flu shots. Cost is $15 and they will take Medicare Part B insurance.

I've been watching the weather back up north and we're so glad we left when we did. It pretty much turned cold and rainy within a few days after leaving. Weather here has been perfect these last couple of days but temps are suppose to go back in the 90's with humidity this weekend. So that means the air will need to come back on. The other morning it was in the 50's and everyone here was freezing. Course the day before that it was 97.

Guess that's it for now. Till next time....................

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you guys got Pepper, she looks great on the agility course!