So what have we've been doing for the pass week. Basically trying to stay dry and warm. What a miserable week weather wise.
Tuesday we met up with Darrius and Brandi a half hour before his flag football practice so he could meet Pepper. They hit it off right away.

Of course I can't have a picture of our grandson without showing our grand daughter. Here's Anissa all dressed up for Home Coming night at her school.

That night we went over to Dave/Dawn/Syndey's for dinner along with Dave's mom Yvonne. Afraid we haven't spent much time with them this summer since we weren't parked in their back yard. Pepper got to meet Norton (Sydney's dog) and Molly (Yvonne's dog). Interesting watching a 80 lb dog try to keep up with a 12 lb puppy that makes a U turn under his belly. But the best part was watching Pepper try to get to know Jackson (the cat). Jackson wanted nothing to do with that 12 lb energizer and even giving out the hisses and a paw slap wasn't detouring Pepper.
Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat and stuffed up. Crap!!! Haven't had a cold in years and don't have the time for one now. Had to take Pepper over for her Beauty Salon appointment to get a bath, nails trimmed, ears cleaned and of course a little trim where needed. Seems our little girl loves being pampered and took it all in like the little queen she thinks she is. But she did look and smell much better and was glad to hear that the groomer said she looked to be a very healthy and clean puppy.

Today we've just been hanging around the trailer. I was feeling much better and Larry was feeling much worse so he pretty much watched sports and I did laundry and cleaning.
Oh one other thing I accomplished this week was scanning old family pictures that my parents had. Did folders of each sibling (with their family), than one for just pictures of my parents and one for both the grandparents sides. I can't remember how many for sure but I think there was over 300 pictures. Downloaded to disc and will give each sibling one. Now I need to do Larry's side but since there are several tubs of pictures I think I'll wait until next summer so I don't have to haul them south with us.
So that's about it for now. They say we have one more night of frost than suppose to warm up this week. Lets hope so, these 50 degree highs is for the birds. Actually the birds are smarter as they've already headed south. Till next time........................................
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