Have a picture I want to share. When Lon/Pat came over this summer they brought us a yellow rose bush. I wasn't sure if it was going to make it but this week the bush is full of buds and one opened up. Sure is pretty, Sorry we won't be able to see the rest but the neighbors will enjoy it.
Tuesday made a quick trip up to St Johns to see our son Alan.
Wednesday night we were able to go watch Darrius's game. He didn't play much that night but I guess the game yesterday was exciting. He made three touch downs. Good job Darrius.
Thursday night we had dinner with my siblings (Bob/Diane, Nadene/Mike, Larry/Stint) at the Log Jam. Nice evening and we even ran into some old friends there that we haven't seen in years. Larry finished winterizing the house that day while I emptied the refrig and packed up the things we wanted to take back to the trailer.
Friday we had some errands to do than and I cooked up some chicken and pork for the travel days. Our kids Brandi/Darrel, Anissa/Darrius came over for dinner. Soon it was time for them to leave, always so hard to give those last hugs. But we promised Anissa we would be back to see her on Senior Prom the 5th of May.
Saturday morning arrived. Doesn't seem like we've been sitting at the farm for five months. The time went so quickly. But it was time to hitch up and pull out. More last good-byes and we pulled out at 8:30.
Traveling was good on Sat. Seems like there was a lot of construction especially on I70 west of Indy, lots of one lane sections. And of course there's always construction around Indy. Arrived at the Walmart in Terre Haute around 3:00.
Sunday finds us currently traveling down I57 (will post this later tonight). Still have another 212 miles to go to ge to West Memphis for the night. Long travel day of almost 400 miles. But easy drive as there isn't any major cities and most of it is open farm land and trees. Construction still around but not as bad.
Have a couple more pictures to share. My brother got his new combine last week and was getting ready to harvest beans. Sure is a pretty thing.
Pepper update for those who care. Traveling seems to agree with her. Loves sitting on my lap looking out the window but most of the time she plays with her toys or lays on her bed between us. She couldn't quite figure out the trailer with the slides in last night. I opened the blinds in the trailer so she could people watch Walmart shoppers. She's just so nosy and want to see everything. We've lucked out and she doesn't seem to be a barker when she sees something. We did buy a bark collar and put that on her this week and shut her in the trailer. It took about three zaps and that was the end of her barking.
So that's it for now. The plans are we should be in Retama on Wednesday. Now that we're on the road I'm anxious to get there.
Till next time..............from Texas...............
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