My brother Bob had open heart surgery this week so we anxiously wait for update phone calls. And my dear SIL Diane has been wonderful on calling me and their son Brian has been sending emails out to family and friends. Bob is still in ICU but after a few speed bumps after surgery he is amazing the Dr's on how well he's doing. Hopefully he will be moved from ICU in the next day or so. So Big Brother keep on amazing those Dr's on your recovery but don't push it to far.
Lots of residents arrived this week. Needed to do walk abouts ever few hours just to see who's here. Which never seems to bother Pepper. She too likes to find out if the new arrivals have any new playmates. Donna/Grant Zinnecker that are parked right next to us came in on Tuesday. They had their trailer painted over the summer and is it gorgeous. We were happy to see their dog Wendy is still with them. She's almost 15 years old and she looks and acts like a kid. Pepper seems to sense that Wendy isn't up to her normal standards of ruff housing so is content to just be with her. We also introduced Pepper to Lucy their cat, which is a first for Pepper. Lucy seemed to want to set some ground rules and every time Pepper gets too close to her, Lucy hauls off and whacks her on the end of her nose.
On Thursday Gary/Marilynn Orthober pulled in who are on the other side of us. Lots of hugs and a great catch up time at happy hour. Also that day Mark/Dale Bruss arrived. I found that my walks around the park are back to taking a hour or two by the time I stop and chit chat.
David/Linda Cypcar stopped over on Thursday (busy day). David had a set of steps he made for their 5th wheel that they know longer need so after Larry makes some adjustments we'll be able to use them for our door. Can't wait, much better and safer steps for getting in/out of the trailer. Course we had to do a little payment so we jumped in the car and went over to the Dairy Queen for one of their yummy Blizzards. Linda got me started on those darn things a few years back and now I'm hooked. At least they came out with a mini blizzard which is not quite as bad in calories.
News flash, just got off the phone with brother Bob and he sounds great. All the updates are wonderful but there's nothing like hearing his voice. Great talking to you Bobby
Yesterday afternoon I went up to the clubhouse and helped with the fixings for the Oktoberfest dinner that was last night. It was a perfect evening to sit out on the patio, enjoy a good meal, have a little wine and see everyone.
There were a couple of pictures on FaceBook this week that I want to share.
This says it all
Love this one

Daughter Renee' had to fly to Norway last week for work. I love this real-time flight tracker where I can log in and see where the plane is at and when it arrives. You can even see a picture of the plane so I could see what seat she was sitting at. Pretty cool. Luckily she returned on Friday before all the snow on the East Coast and got back home in Cleveland without problems.
Guess that's it for now. Till next time.............................
Pepper update - have some pictures to share but instead of putting them on here I will upload them on our Webshot site under a Pepper's Album later today. The training is an on going thing but we, I mean she, really picks things up quickly. The hard part is remembering she is a puppy and if there are other dogs around all bets are off.

Daughter Renee' had to fly to Norway last week for work. I love this real-time flight tracker where I can log in and see where the plane is at and when it arrives. You can even see a picture of the plane so I could see what seat she was sitting at. Pretty cool. Luckily she returned on Friday before all the snow on the East Coast and got back home in Cleveland without problems.
Guess that's it for now. Till next time.............................
Pepper update - have some pictures to share but instead of putting them on here I will upload them on our Webshot site under a Pepper's Album later today. The training is an on going thing but we, I mean she, really picks things up quickly. The hard part is remembering she is a puppy and if there are other dogs around all bets are off.