Another means of our frustration have been our new Smart Phones. Several weeks back we had to change phones as our old reliable flip open ones had started having a mind of it’s own by refusing to except calls, voice mail showing up 2-3 days later and only allowing us to talk so long before hanging up. Really didn’t want to change as Verizon’s new and better “Share Plan” was going to cost me more $$’s and get less coverage. So tell me why when you are just sitting there going through all these “freebies” that you’ll never use, you can’t figure out a easy way to just “answer” it when it rings. Know more “just push” a button, nope now you have to “slide” your finger across. And don’t you just love it when a text (yes we do that when I swore I never would) comes and this “Smart” phone tells you who’s sending it but trying to “actually” find the text is a whole different thing. And going into my Voice Mail – grrrrr. First off I haven’t figured out how to get this d*** phone to show on the main screen that I have a new one. Nope have to “tap” here and “slide” there to see if I have one. Oh then if there is one I get to “tap” again and put my super secret password in. The only problem is somehow this New Improved Phone wants it to be so secret that I can’t put my hand in front of the screen or it goes “black”. I have to sneak up on the side of it with one finger and “tap” (again) the super secret code. About the only good thing with these phones are my fingers are starting to grow muscles with all the “taps” & “slides”.
OK, enough frustration vent, on to something more fun. We worked on the porch putting some of the “pretty” things on it. Not finished yet but we’ll get there, next week will be putting the ceiling up.
The other fun thing that happened was our new grandson Dar’Relle had his high school graduation yesterday. Here’s a picture of Brandi, Darrell, Dar’Relle and Darrius. Better known as Big D, Middle D, Little D.
Dar’Relle has been offered a football scholarship at Ferris State University and will be heading there later this summer. Brandi and Darrell are not only excited with him having this opportunity but also the future decrease in the grocery bill. We say Dar’Relle is our newest grandson but actually he and his sister Aaliyah have been a part of our family for over 10 years.
So that’s it for this week. Cool temperatures headed our way later today and only highs in the 60’s this week. Not liking this at all, but that’s another frustration that I can’t do anything about but wait for Mother Nature to bring the warmer temp’s back.
Till next time………………………………..
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