Sunday, May 5, 2013

Festival in GL, Garage Sale, 2 vehicle household

Now this is what I wanted to see when we came back to Michigan so early.  Grass greening to a rich deep color, tulips & daffodils opening up to all sorts of colors, trees starting to bud out with a soft green color while others just pop with pink and yellow blossoms. And all of this within a matter of days. Yes there really isn’t anything like Michigan in the spring.

There is a festival going on in our little town this weekend called Victorian Days. We’re going to try and walk down there this afternoon but I wanted to share some pictures from last year.

Reenactments of the Civil War. Even the kids got involved. 



Even the car washers got into it

Car wash

High Tea at the Opera House

High Tea at the Opera House

Can’t forget a ride in the Horse Drawn Carriage

VictorianDays13 01

Larry took the car over to get a oil change this week and we ended up being a 2 vehicle household again.


As much as I didn’t want to have two vehicles again we really needed to have this pickup. Between our many many trips to Menards that we seem to do I was getting tired of trying to use our car as a pickup.

We are getting some quotes on different things that need to be done around here. Yes there are some things that my talented husband just doesn’t want to tackle (he says he’s getting to old for some of this). One is having a new porch built across the front of the house and the other is having a drain put in the basement to take care of water problems from run off coming from the neighbors. It’s the pits being the lowest one around. So depending on what those things come back at we may only do one & that would be the basement and the other will have to wait until next year. Will keep you posted.

My dear sister Nadene just texted me that she was out looking at flowers in the garden dept and there were tons of them. Thanks sis, rub it in that I can’t plant anything until we figure out what we’ll be doing around the house. Brat.

Oh yes can’t forget to tell you about my garage sale hopping with my SIL Diane on Friday. I just love it when I find items that are not even out of the box and cheap. And of course I had to leave a voice message for my other SIL Stint that she should have joined us, we found lots of bargains.  I’ve been wanting a electric fry pan and found one (in box) for $8, then a grill thingy (in box) that I can put a whole chicken on with potatoes for $3.

Another place I found these bathroom fixture items, toilet paper holder and a towel holder. The other one is a plate rack holder that I may use in there to hang towels. Not sure how it will look.


Larry just shakes his head and keeps his mouth shut when I take off on Fridays with the SIL’s and our plan of attack for these sales. Isn’t he a smart husband. Smile

OK, guess that’s it for today. The sun is out, the temperatures are warming up and Larry’s been outside for a hour so it’s time for me to get busy.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week. Till next time..

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