Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weather - Retama Event Update

Our winter weather is hopefully behind us. We’ve had below average temperatures in the 30’s & 40’s, cloudy skies and rain off and on and highs in the 50's. I realize our northern family doesn’t feel very sorry for us but: there was one time it was warmer in Michigan than here. That just isn’t right. But the last few days have been picture perfect with sunny skies, nice breeze and in the 70’s. Actually the residents here have complained that it’s so hot. It wasn’t that long ago and they (including myself) were all looking for winter coats when it got down to 70.

So we are in the final week of the big event. We’ve been busy with many of the things that can only be done towards the end. The full page advertisement came out without any errors. Last year the paper pulled the previous year’s ad and the day was changed from a Sunday to Friday not to mention the date. Luckily the next week’s paper had the correct dates/day but since that came out on Thursday and the event was Friday they never knew what kind of in pack it had on the attendance.  

The signs are ready to be staked along the streets directing traffic our way, as are the ones that will be put out showing Trolley Stops and directions for the parking area. Food has been purchased; maps of the open houses are at the corp. office being printed, volunteer’s stations and coordinators have been determined. Trolley stop tents have been purchased along with the raffle tickets, DVD set up for the slide show made of Retama to be played on the big TV in the lounge. And this list goes on.

 But before next Friday arrives we need to get ready for today. We are having an information/pizza meeting at 4pm today for over 100 residents who have volunteered their time or are opening their homes. Luckily the weather will be perfect to have this outside on the patio. Once the pizza party is over the residents will be split up at different area’s to meet up with their coordinators to go over their responsibilities. I’m having nightmares that we’ll have these 30 large pizzas delivered and know one shows up.  This is one of the reasons I’m writing this blog at 4:30 in the morning.

With everything going on we still had our annual Dr’s appointments this week. We were told our insurance plan pays for pneumonia shots so we went ahead. Larry who is the wimp in the family for getting shots didn’t have any problem. Mine turned all red than black/blue and it’s still sore and it’s been four days.

 I do have a picture to share.  But for some reason the link to download pictures isn't working on this blog. So maybe next week.
That’s it for this week. Till next time………………………

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