So did everyone remember to set their clocks back. Not sure how a person can forget with all the reminders on TV, Internet and newspapers. Of course it was one of those nights that I was wide awake to meet the time change in person. After watching Brothers & Sisters, and two repeats of Cheers I was just about ready to fall asleep. But it was not to be as the helicopter arrived and started to make a circle over our trailer and out in the field west of us. I finally got up and looked out as this was continuing much longer than normal and saw the big spot light so knew they were after someone. This went on for over an hour and I was about to call my brother Bob and find out how long it takes for these birds to run out of gas. But figured that wouldn't be very nice at 4AM. Found out this morning from a neighbor that they were after a fairly large group of drug runners who were carrying bundles. The only reason we new about this is while she was walking her dog she came across one of the bundles and called the border patrol. We don't normally get drug runners around us so maybe it's time to have the border patrol people come here and give us an update again.
We were invited over to David/Linda's for dinner one night along with Gary/Marilynn. David put some ribs on the grill and were they good. Had a great time with them at their home.
Thursday we decided to make a quick trip down to Progreso Mexico. We needed to pick up some heart worm medicine for Pepper. We did some comparison and found there wasn't much difference in price for the Frontline med's but a big difference on the Heart Guard Med. In the states you have to have a prescription from a Vet but like people med's we can buy it over the counter in Mexico. We got six months worth (once a month chewable tablet) for $17.00.
One of the first things we noticed after crossing the bridge was all of the military men, tanks, sandbag barricades and the 12 year old looking soldiers with their machine guns were all gone. We had heard the the town was trying to make tourist feel safer and one way was to move all the military on the outskirts of town. They also did some major clean up along the streets and painted the outside of the buildings. This town relies on the Winter Texans and with all the News about problems in Mexico the last couple of years have really hurt this small town. It was a short visit there but we did stop and have lunch at our favorite place.
My brother Bob was released from the hospital on Wednesday and has been enjoying being home in his recliner and own bed. Not to mention having Diane fixing some of her wonderful home cooked meals.
Have a few pictures to share this week. The first one is from my sister Nadene. It was taken off their patio at the cottage at Lake George MI.

Here's our Grandson Darrius all ready to hit the streets to collect as much candy and he can.

We decided to start taking Pepper out on our bike rides to use up some of that energy she always seems to have. She does very well on staying along side of Larry unless she see's another dog or someone calls out her name.

She really loves going as fast as she can down the road.

Two mornings a week there's a Play Date at the dog park. I'm not sure who enjoys it more, the dogs or the owners.

But when it's over we have a good two hours of piece and quiet.

So that's about it for this week. Till next time...........................
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