Sunday, March 27, 2011

So many gatherings

Where did this week go? Wednesday we had a fair well dinner for David/Linda Cypcar. As I mentioned they purchased a home about 30 miles from here so they will be leaving our little neighborhood.

I'll fast forward to Saturday and tell you they have a really cute home. Linda and I worked on cleaning and getting the kitchen settled while David and Dick Goodman unloaded the trucks and made a new bed frame. They purchased the home completely furnished and the previous owners did a nice job. We'll miss them but I know they will love being in that home.

Thursday - was the last major event at the clubhouse called the "Tail-Light" party. Many residents will be pulling out in the next couple of weeks and instead of a goodbye party we had the tail light party at the clubhouse.

Friday - Had some errands to run than went over to the other trailer to finish a couple of things there. We have these heat reflector type things that I put in all the windows to help keep the inside cooler during the hot summer days here.

That afternoon I went up to the pool for a ladies bday party gathering for a friend.

Copied this picture from friends FB so it's pretty small but you get the idea.

Happy hour that night was at the McCarrons and we had a Daiquiri party. They sure hit the spot on that hot afternoon.

The weather here has even been a little too warm for me. Around 90 all week so the air conditioner has been doing it's job. Even tho we complain about the wind here in the Valley it sure was needed this week during happy hours. Actually it wasn't to bad as long as we were in the shade.

One last thing, need to say a happy birthday to our sister in law Diane Bishop back in Michigan and our good friend Jutta Franks that's two lots down from us.

Till next time..................................................

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