The other thing was a picture I said I'd post. We took a bike ride yesterday back in the State Park and I remembered my camera. I was hoping we would see the bobcat and her two babies but I did take one of Larry pointing to the water mark on the tree from the flooding this summer.
Sunday night we had one last turkey meal. A huge pot of soup. It was really good but it will be awhile before I'll even buy turkey sandwich meat.
Monday we did our three mile walk than the three mile bike ride. Just as we got back we spotted Mike/Pat McFall hooking up the car to their motorhome. They are heading for their place in AZ for the rest of the winter. Safe travels to them.
Today I rode along with Linda & Adel to get a hair cut. My appointment isn't until next Tuesday and boy do I need it. Seems like with this warm weather my hair grows like crazy. Once done there we made a trip up to Hobby Lobby so Linda could find some material for one of her crafts. Than of course you can't be out and about without stopping for lunch so we went to one of our favorite places, Sweet Temptations Cafe/Bakery. It's a cute little place that serves just breakfast and lunch is homemade soups and salads.
Another update on Mr Cricket. He's been very quiet since that last night when I blogged that we had another family member move in. Thought maybe he went home for the holidays and of course that would be in Mexico. But while sitting here typing I could hear him up in the bedroom. Some how he got from the TV cabinet back up in the air conditioner. I guess I'll have to put up with him until I figure some way of getting rid of him - - - Lysol spray, nope gives Larry headache - Pledge, nope not strong enough - Air Freshener spray, nope gives me headache, Scrubbing Bubbles - bubbles in air conditioner, probably not a good idea. So guess I'll have to do more thinking on this.
Guess that's it for today. Till next time................................
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