Thursday, July 8, 2010

Afternoon with Retama Friends

Well the heat is still with us - hence so is the generator. I'm thinking by now Larry is on first name bases with the local gas station people. I thought our wonderful local electric company was going to come this week to replace the wiring but guess that was either wishful thinking on my part or lack of listening to what Larry said. I'm sure Larry would pick the "lack" but I'm going the "wishful". I guess the engineer is working on the design to give to construction crews. So who knows when they will get around to actually doing the work. Maybe by this time next year.

We had a very special day today. Good friends Gary & Marilynn Orthober from Door Cty WI came to Grand Rapids for a convention and we met them for lunch along with Pat & Lon Garvey. After lunch at the Corner Landing in Ionia we were invited back to Pat/Lon's for dessert.

Here is Pat and Marilynn in Pat's back yard.

And Lon, Gary and Larry in a deep discussion,.
What better way to spend a warm, rainy afternoon than sitting on a beautiful screen porch with good friends.

Yesterday was grandson day. Since it was just to hot to play outside we spent most of it inside. Lets just say having a very active five year old confined to a 5th wheel living room tends to make for a very long day. We'll definitely have a Plan B on hand for the next hot or rainy day.
Since the weather is suppose to break and starting tomorrow cooler with less humidity maybe we can get back to our daily walks. I also will need to get the lawn mowed, can't believe how shabby it has gotten in less than a week of not mowing or weeding. Luckily the whole weekend is suppose to be nice, I'm thinking it's going to take a few days.

So guess that's it for today. Haven't welcomed anyone lately. There seems to be quiet a few new ones from Michigan. So here's a big Welcome to: Jackson MS, Pound WI, Topeka KS, Greenville MI, Mason MI, Grayling MI, Ann Arbor MI, Lamoure ND, Spring Grove PA, Buffalo MN.

Till next time...............................

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