Monday I went out with Marilynn, Helen and Sally. We went to Hobby Lobby to find a craft book that Marilynn wanted, which they didn't have. Then we stopped at this shoe store called SAS cause Marilynn wanted to get a pair, which she didn't get but Sally did. I'd never been to a SAS store, They really had some nice looking ones but a little rich for my blood. I'd feel like I'd have to wear them for at least five years and from what I hear they last a lot longer than that. From there we went to Shroup's Market than had lunch before heading home.
That night after happy hour we went over to Pizza Hut with Bill an Kathy. Always enjoy spending time with them.
Larry went down to Mark's to help him install a base plate so they can tow their new car. His wife Dale flew to Atlanta to spend some time with her father and Mark always tries to get projects done that make her nervous when she's away. Some woman get really nervous when they come home and find things like the side of the trailer cut away but it doesn't usually bother me. I always figured Larry tore it apart he's the one who has to get it back together.
We had about two weeks of cloudy and rainy weather but you should see how green everything is and the roses are all starting to really come out again.
Even the aloe plants have pods on them and hopefully will open up soon.
That night we had tickets to see The Punches Family who were playing next door. It's was a good show and the kids in that family have a lot of talent. I was looking at their schedule on their web site and I don't know how they can do it. Their kids are 15, 13 and the twin girls are 10. I always wonder what kind of life that is for them. Not much time for them to have friends their age.
Saturday we went to a surprise anniversary party for Gary and Barb who have spent the last month here. They are from St Charles MI. Nice people (of course they're from MI) and they try to come here for a few weeks every year. Of course the ice cream cake was yummmy.
That night we had dinner at Gary and Marilynn's with Dave and Linda. Pizza on the grill and I made a choc cake and Marilynn fixed a cherry pie. Again more food.
This morning I took Pepper over to the puppy park for play date. She always gets so excited when we head that way. Here's her and Rusty (from Battle Creek MI) playing tug of war.