The day started out perfect with sun and very little wind. We were invited over to Linda/Davids for a outside breakfast. Also there was Gary & Marilynn & their grandkids who are visiting from WI. After breakfast we did our bike ride in the park. It was a little breezy when we went in. The park is pretty well protected with all the trees and vegetation along the paths so you don't realize how windy it might get. But it hit us coming out and riding back to our park with a big open field all along the road wasn't easy. Luckily we didn't have far to ride. So the rest of the day was really windy (gusts over 30mph) and the humidity right now is only 10%. So even tho it's in the 70's it doesn't feel very warm. Here's the pictures of the day
First one is Chole who belongs to Phil and Kathy Detweiler. I'm not sure what breed Chole is but she's a neat friendly dog. Chole spent part of last summer and this fall in North Dakota while Phil worked on the oil lines. I don't think any of them enjoyed the sub zero temp's up there, all were glad to get back to Mission on xmas eve day. But it was short lived as they will be leaving for PA in a couple of weeks for another job. Only one picture of Chole, she kept turning away from the camera and didn't think we needed her back side.

Here's a couple more pictures from the State Park. There are paths off the main road you can go on and it's pretty neat. Still waiting to spot that bobcat.
This is a neat quiet place to take a break. There's benches on the side for the bird watchers.

David, Larry and the other Linda taking a break.
One more picture of the path. It's looking pretty dead as far as the plants. Both from the natural
part of it being winter but also the heavy freezes we've had. Things are starting to green up a little and hopefully the flowers will come back.

I only have two more pets to introduce, Cookie & Begget. But I need to get a pictures of them yet. Cookie I will get this week and Begget lives in another park & we'll be going there on Tuesday. There are many, many more pets in our park but the ones I'm showing you are our favorites.
This week seems to be a busy one. Looks like we have something going every day except Friday. So you'll have something else to read about besides pets and the park. Till next time...............